Wednesday 30 December 2015

PRODUCTION - Evaluation of rough cut

Evaluation of Rough Cut

I think our rough cut came out really well considering we didn't get to film the other half of our title sequence.  The order of shots make sense because there was different angles of the same thing e.g. someone walking out the room:  

The quality of the camera work was good, but the only thing that was a letdown was the lighting.  As our coursework is happening during the winter time, it starts to get dark really early which means shots will have different lighting.  The lighting in all the shots are very different, so the shots that have come out the darkest will be filmed again.

There was a lot of different shots used so it makes the opening sequence more interesting and the audience doesn't get bored. 

The characters in the opening sequence acted really well.  

The mis-en-scene could of been shown more for the girl as the boys is shown clearly e.g. his room: