Thursday 26 November 2015

PRODUCTION - Filming evaluation- Part 1 (by Faiz)

Pictures of us filming

We filmed on the 24th November and on the 25th in Adnans house. The filming went as planned and we managed to complete the scenes from the boys part and took all the shots that we said we was going to do in the research. We still have the girls scene to do and we will do that in gunes's house sometime next week. We had all the equipment needed for our film and although we had difficulties carrying the stuff for such a long journey, we managed to get it done at the end. Once we got into the house we were able to film easily as there wasn't any disruptions and it was a good environment to work. It took us a while to set up the equipment as it was a long time since we last used and we needed some time to figure out how to put everything together. We filmed 32 shots from the boys part in those two days and managed to do them all. Next time I think we will do everything more swiftly because now we know what we need to do so next time we can just get on with it.

Thursday 19 November 2015

PLANNING - Title credits ( by Gunes)

Title credits

As we are heavily influenced by legally blonde, we decided that our title credits should also be in the colour pink to represent our genre, as the pink symbolises a girly girl character. The typography from legally blonde is done as if someone has written the title credits giving the title sequence smoothness to the opening therefore we have chosen a typography similar to legally blonde to give it the same effect on the audience.

Titles credits will be interrogated on moving images throughout appearing on the left side then the right with each different shot. The pace of the titles will be quick as the sounding behind will be a upbeat song giving the title sequence rhythm and luring in the audience. 

Title credits order:
  1. Production comapany/ ident- Dove Productions
  2. Name of the Movie- Lazy Flower 
  3. Actors who feature in the movie
  4. Directors
  5. Make-up etc 
  6. costumes
  7. sounding
  8. lighting 
  9. producer 

Global Entertainment flower rose cosmos blooming

PLANNING - Pitch (by Sureyya)


PLANNING - Pitch feedback (by Faiz)

Pitch feedback

Some of the feedback that we received after we made our presentation was that that they liked the concept of our film showing the two different contrast of the boy and the girl and how we picked a unique genre in Romcom because no one else has done it before. They also liked the way we sold our idea but said that we were mostly reading off the board and we needed to improvise a bit more. Also some of the things that we had in our blog wasn't in the presentation so we missed out on key points and the audience were asking us questions based on those things. One of the questions that they asked us which we found useful is that what type of music we are going to use while we have a split screen to show the contrast between the two characters. We responded by saying that we was going to have a lively song for the girl and a slow song for the boy before we go on the split screen and once were on the split screen we are going to put something similar to Legally blonde as it was one of the filmed we researched and we liked the sound of it.

PLANNING - Technology audit (by Faiz)

Technology audit

We have learned many technology skills while doing this project such as how to use softwares for editing, for adding titles over images, for recording and annotating video on a computer, how to create a logo and how to create the Distribution company for a film. Here are some of the examples of the type of software and hardware that we have used in this process:

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015 for editing shots we filmed 

Adobe After Effects CC 2015 for putting title credits on and creating the Distribution company

Camtasia 2 for recording (screenshoting) videos on a computer

Adobe After Effects CC 2015 for creating the Distribution company

Camera and camera stand for shooting the scenes for our preliminary and re-make

Mobile phones for taking pictures and proving our shooting and editing process 

SD Cards/USB Adapter was used for the storage and transfer of our video recording

Video drive for keeping our projects saved

PLANNING - Shot list (by Adnan and Gunes)

Shot list


  • She's in bed, she wakes up(medium shot of her back)
  • She gets out of bed, close up to her foot walking( following her steps).
  • She heads to the bathroom, close up of her hair
  • Close up of hands as she washes her face and brushes her teeth.
  • Heads to another room, opens wardrobe and close up of all her clothes
  • She picks out what she is wearing(medium shot)
  • She takes her top off
  • She puts on her picked out clothes
  • She heads to the room she woke up in, opens the draw(medium shot)
  • She picks out her makeup- She puts on mascara( close up to the eye)
  • She takes out her hairbrush(close up of her hair)
  • She puts on her red lipstick(close up of the lipstick)
  • She checks herself in the mirror
  • Picks up her phone( medium, close up)
  • Texts the boy(close up of the phone)
  • She wears her shoe and leaves the door(close up of the shoe, medium of the door).


Tracking shot of junk food to boy in bed
Long shot of boy lying in bed
Close up of alarm
Reaction shot of boy looking at alarm
Extreme close up of pressing snooze
Close up of alarm again
Reaction shot of boy looking at alarm
Full body shot of boy getting out of bed
Tracking shot of boy going toilet
A POV shot of the toilet
Reaction shot of boy
POV of peeing all over the seat
Extreme close up of flushing
Close up of washing hands
Medium shot of boy looking in the mirror
Close up of boy putting toothpaste on brush
Medium close up of brushing teeth
Medium close up of spitting
Long shot of boy coming downstairs
Medium shot of opening fridge
Reaction shot fridge contents
POV of getting milk out
Medium close up of putting cereal and milk in bowl
Long shot of boy going upstairs
Close up of text reading ‘See u at bus stop in 10 mins x’
Reaction shot of boy panicking
Close up of underwear dropping on floor
Medium long shot of boy putting on clothes
Medium close up of boy doing hair
Close up of boy putting on spray
Tracking shot of boy leaving house, running to bus stop
Long shot of boy and girl seeing eachother

PLANNING - Story board (by Sureyya)

Story board

PLANNING - Production schedule (by Adnan)

Production schedule

We will be filming for approximately 2 weeks starting on the Tuesday 24th of November to Saturday 5th of November. We will film on the Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of each week. The first week all filming will be done at Adnan's house in Romford. The second week of filming will be done at Gunes' house in Wood Green. The editing will be done during lesson time after Christmas holidays (and workshop if needed).

Wednesday 18 November 2015

PLANNING- cinematic details ( by Gunes)


We will use split screen as an editing technique to show both the boy and girl getting ready- showing the contrast between both actors. We will use a range of shots to make the sequence engaging- extreme close up, close ups and medium close ups (key props e.g hair brush). The title credits will appear bottom left to bottom right, changing with the rhythm and tempo of the title sequence.

PLANNING- characters (by Gunes)


 There will only be two actors in the title sequence, a girl and a boy- getting ready. No other character will be seen within the title sequence. The reason for this is the sequence is based on showing the girl and boy to give the audience a hint of what is going to happen. 

Character Emotions
Here are the three main character emotions:
a) Sympathy – the audience IDENTIFIES with the character’s problems and triumphs
b) Empathy – the audience UNDERSTANDS the emotions that drive the character
c) Antipathy – the audience wants the character to “GET WHAT THEY DESERVE”- All these emotions are seen within romantic movies.

PLANNING - Narrative

Narrative- sureyya

We were highly influenced by Legally Blonde because the character in the film is  a girly girl who loves the colour pink.  She is very glamorous.  Their title sequence was also pink, outlining the genre of the film and its audience.

Blogging health check 2

Blogging Health check 2

Sunday 8 November 2015

PLANNING - Final MES decisions (by Adnan and Gunes)

Final MES decisions


My bedroom (Romford) will be used in a variety of different shots. It is used because thats where the male character will live. 

My bathroom (Romford) will be used in mainly with close up and medium close up shots. This will be used to see the male character getting ready. 

My kitchen (Romford) will be used with a variety of shots to see the male character get his cereal.


The male character could wear a shirt to make himself look a bit presentable as he is going on a date however it shouldn't be too formal therefore jeans would make it look a bit more stylish as he is a teen. 

The girl wears nice, stylish pink and girl clothes.

Prop ideas:

PLANNING - Planning titles and credits (by Sureyya)

Planning Titles and Credits

Task 1:

Task 2:

Saturday 7 November 2015

PLANNING - Final idea (by Adnan)

Final idea

A boy and a girl are both getting ready for a date. The girl is hygienic and clean. She is stereotypically girly meaning she wears a lot pink and likes make up etc. She is dressed nicely and is on time. On the other hand the boy is extremely lazy and is almost late so he is rushing to get ready for his date. During his rush to get ready, his morning is filled with many complications such as having no milk with his cereal etc. In the end the boy makes it on time to the meet up location which is a tube station.

Thursday 5 November 2015

PLANNING- Distribution Companies

Company Credits

Jump to: Production Companies (4) | Distributors (28) | Special Effects (2) | Other Companies (22)

Production Companies


Special Effects

Other Companies

The marketing skills that the film "Friends with Benefits" used was that they advertised their film on billboards and sold it on social media for example, twitter and Instagram. They also had TV advertisements to help attract a big target audience.
The role of Social Media was huge because the actors tweeted about their upcoming film and it trending worldwide.
The type of Release was huge as it was viewed it over 33 countries worldwide.
The different formats the film was available in was digital, print, DVD and Blu-ray.
The box office and DVD sales to date was estimated at $35,000,000
I think that this distributor isn't likely to distribute our film because our film is aimed at a young target audience and contains less sexual activity. Despite saying that this film has had a lot of success and the distribution played a big part in it.

The Break-Up - viewed 3 seconds ago (2006)

Company Credits

Jump to: Production Companies (3) | Distributors (18) | Special Effects (3) | Other Companies (21)

Production Companies


Special Effects

Other Companies

The Marketing skills used to distribute "The break up" was again the advertisement on billboards and the posters that were displayed all around for example on buses and tubes. There was also a lot of radio coverage to distribute this film and a lot of interviews which were then showed on the news and online. 
The role of social media was huge in promoting this film. The people that were playing in their film advertised heir film on things such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and that made people aware that a big film was about to get released.
The type of release it had was that it was released in more than 40 countries worldwide.
The different formats that the film was available in was digital, print, DVD and also Blu-ray.
The box office and DVD sales to date for this film was an estimated $52,000,000.
I think that again this film distributor isn't likely to distribute our film because it doesn't appeal to our target audience and it contains a lot a sexual activity and bad language which we don't use in our film.