Thursday 19 November 2015

PLANNING - Pitch feedback (by Faiz)

Pitch feedback

Some of the feedback that we received after we made our presentation was that that they liked the concept of our film showing the two different contrast of the boy and the girl and how we picked a unique genre in Romcom because no one else has done it before. They also liked the way we sold our idea but said that we were mostly reading off the board and we needed to improvise a bit more. Also some of the things that we had in our blog wasn't in the presentation so we missed out on key points and the audience were asking us questions based on those things. One of the questions that they asked us which we found useful is that what type of music we are going to use while we have a split screen to show the contrast between the two characters. We responded by saying that we was going to have a lively song for the girl and a slow song for the boy before we go on the split screen and once were on the split screen we are going to put something similar to Legally blonde as it was one of the filmed we researched and we liked the sound of it.

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