Thursday 26 November 2015

PRODUCTION - Filming evaluation- Part 1 (by Faiz)

Pictures of us filming

We filmed on the 24th November and on the 25th in Adnans house. The filming went as planned and we managed to complete the scenes from the boys part and took all the shots that we said we was going to do in the research. We still have the girls scene to do and we will do that in gunes's house sometime next week. We had all the equipment needed for our film and although we had difficulties carrying the stuff for such a long journey, we managed to get it done at the end. Once we got into the house we were able to film easily as there wasn't any disruptions and it was a good environment to work. It took us a while to set up the equipment as it was a long time since we last used and we needed some time to figure out how to put everything together. We filmed 32 shots from the boys part in those two days and managed to do them all. Next time I think we will do everything more swiftly because now we know what we need to do so next time we can just get on with it.

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