Wednesday 4 November 2015

PLANNING- Half-term planning homework


We have decided to locate our film in Romford. The reason why is because our aim is to attract those aged between 16-21 living in central London and we find Romford the perfect place to do it. We have also decided to do it in a bedroom to show the bit where both the boy and girl is getting ready.

Romford is about 16 miles away from Central London.

Planning costume Ideas

Legally Blonde:                                                           500 days of Summer:
Pink dresses everywhere she goes                             Old fashioned clothes                      
Lots of make-up                                                           Hardly any make up on the girl
High heels                                                                    Boy wears casual clothes
Handbags                                                                     Trainers
Lots of jewellery

In our film, the girl will be really similar to the one in Legally blonde. She wears lots of pink and fantasises over make-up. She looks really posh and has numerous amounts of different outfits. She takes care of herself and takes her time to get ready. She wears lots of jewellery and dresses to impress for the occasion. the boy on the other hand is very laid back and messy. He wears whatever he finds on the floor and doesn't get clean or washes his hair. We are trying to show the different contrast between the boy and the girl.

The name of the two characters will be quite similar as they are both from the same area but they have completely different personalities.


Some of the props that we will have in our film will mainly be to do with the girl. She will have a handbag where she puts all her make up and all the other belongings that she needs. She will take a perfume with her so that she can put it and smell good just before the date starts. she will also wear watch because the boy is getting extremely late and she keeps looking at her watch to see how long it will be and she starts to look worried every time she checks.
The boy on the other hand will just have his phone on him as he is very late and forgets to bring other things for example a gift for the girl.

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