Monday 28 September 2015

INTRODUCTION- Prelim film and Evaluation

28. PRELIM Elijah Vicky Faiz Omar from 283goswell on Vimeo.

While making our short film, I picked up a lot of skills which will help me when it comes to make our final piece. We planned our film very well and knew a basic idea of what we were going to play and how we will use all the tools given to us in good effect. our props was a £50 note and our setting was a hospital waiting room. So  we used one of the class rooms on the third floor to act out our scene. The only disappointment was that the room that we had chosen was pretty dark and had poor lighting so when we went to film we could barely see the people acting.while filming,we used a wide range of shot angles such as close up, mid shot, wide shot and birds eye view. We made sure that when we did the close up shots we was very steady on the camera and we didn't move.Unfortunately some people were shaking a lot so it made our scene very blury and unsteady. During the editing we cut out all the bits that we thought was unnecessary and link the parts we needed together so that it runs smoothly. We did have a problem of having more than one of the same scene so we had a bit of difficulty choosing what would be the best one.

Overall I feel that our film was pretty successful as we used all the shot types required and we used the props that was given to us well. We acted with emotion and tried to make it as entertaining as possible. We added dialogue to make it interesting and we also spent a lot of time going over and over each scene to make it the best we can. The only thing that I would improve next time is the location of our film and choose a room that has good lighting because we found out that having good lighting is a essential part and making a film successful.

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