Tuesday 29 September 2015

RESEARCH - Purpose of a title sequence and film opening

Purpose of a title sequence and film opening

The Avengers

 21 Jump Street

 Alien Resurrection


From the lesson on the 28th of September, I learnt that during title sequences there are range of things techniques used to set the scene for the rest of the movie. Music/Soundtrack plays a major part in the film's opening. Depending on the genre there would be suitable music for the movie (dark and eerie music for a horror film). There would also be a introduction of the main character/s. This helps the audience familiarise with the film and cast better. Another main aspect is title credits. While the introduction is going on, title credits will appear and inform the audience of the director, actors, producers etc. They also have idents of the production/distribution company. Lastly they may show the location or setting of the film (what country, city and so on). 

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