Tuesday 29 September 2015

RESEARCH - Analyse 2 film sequences

The first film i analysed was Gone Girl.  At the start of the sequence, the distribution and production companies are shown.  The movie then skips to one of the characters with narration in the background, but the narration isn't carried on throughout the sequence.  The actors are then named along with the title of the movie.  The setting of the movie is then shown throughout the rest of the sequence.  This is done to set the mood for the movie to the audience and make the audience aware of where the movie is set.  There is gentle music/soundtrack in the background as well.

The second film I analysed was 21 Jump Street.  The sequence starts off with really quick clips of what happens in the film, but it doesn't give away the whole storyline.  It then goes onto the credits to inform the audience of the production company, director, editors, cast etc.  Throughout the whole film sequence there are clips/images from the movie to make the audience aware of what the movie contains.  Throughout the whole sequence there is their official soundtrack from the movie.

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