Wednesday 30 September 2015

RESEARCH- purpose of a title sequence and film opening.

Before a film begins, there is always a opener which sets the stage for the rest of the film to take its place. In many cases there is always soundtrack to add different effect depending on the genre of the film. There is narration to give you an insight of what to expect in the film or some background information about the story based in the film. They give title credits to introduce various different people that are associated with the film. The production name of the company along with the age rating will always be found in a film opening because it tells you what company made the film and for who this film is suitable for. They set different images throughout the opener which relates to the film and that technically gives you an idea of what to expect when you're watching it. Finally, there will always be a various range of shot lengths which adds effect and makes it more intriguing to watch.

21 jump street                 Iron man 3                         Harry potter


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