Monday 25 January 2016

EVALUATION- Question 1

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EVALUATION- Question 2

EVALUATION - Question 1


EVALUATION- Question 3

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EVALUTION - Question 2


EVALUATION- Question 4

EVALUTION - Question 3

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EVALUTION - Question 4

EVALUATION- Question 5

                                                            Link to Question 5

EVALUTION - Question 5

                                                                  Link to Question 5


EVALUATION- Question 6

We used our mobile phones to take pictures and videos as a proof of evidence. We uploaded it to the blog as it was part of one of our blog post where you had to show evidence of filming. Once we took the shots, we saved all of them into the SD card. Once we edited our final piece we saved all our film into the video drive.We used Youtube to upload our rough cuts to show improvement and compare it with out our final film. Finally, you can see our film which is uploaded on vimeo.


EVALUATION - Question 1

Question 1

EVALUATION- Question 7

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EVALUTION - Question 6

EVALUATION - Question 2

Question 2


We used our mobile phones to take pictures and videos of evidence of filming. We uploaded these pictures and videos to the blog as it was one of the blog posts to show proof of filming. Our main device was the sd card this is because we saved all of the shots into the sd card. For editing we used the video drive to save all our film into it. We used youtube to upload rough cuts to how improved compare as we go along with the final piece. Finally with using vimeo to upload the film you can see our film distributed. 

EVALUATION - Question 3

Question 3

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EVALUATION - Question 4

Question 4

EVALUATION - Question 7

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EVALUATION - Question 5

Question 5

EVALUATION - Question 6

Question 6

EVALUATION - Question 7

Question 7

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Monday 4 January 2016

Blogging Health check 3

PRODUCTION - Feedback On Rough Cut

Rough Cut Feedback


- Good range of shots so it makes it more interesting and efficient
- Great close ups to show important detail and add good effect
- You was able to able to understand the storyline well even though there wasn't any sound and the sequence of shots were clear and portrayed well.
- Good match cut shots to show the contrast between the boy and the girl.
- Liked the mise-en-scene from the boys perspective as it showed a clear understanding of his character and personality.


- Jerky camera movement - a tripod needs to be used so it looks professional and steady.
- Girls mis-en-scene needs to be more clear as it doesn't show her character very well and we don't get a sense of the type of person she is and what she likes.
- Create a sound scape, don't leave sound scape and titles unplanned.
- Re shoot dark scenes because lighting in all shots are different. It was supposed to be a bright and energetic film with clear lighting but it is quite dark and doesn't match with our planning and genre of the film.

Things to improve:

  1. Add more lighting.
  2. More steady on the Camera as it was shaky.
  3. Better mis-en-scene of the girl and show her character more.

Blogging Health Check 3

Blogging Health Check 3

PRODUCTION- Blogging health check 3

PRODUCTION- Blogging Health Check 3

Sunday 3 January 2016

PRODUCTION - Analysis of blog

Analysis of blog

Analysing strengths and weaknesses in the blog 

  1. Good visuals that are relevant and back up our text
  2. Good and important information from text 
  3. Work load was spread out evenly in our group so no one had too many tasks to complete (it    was fair).

  1. Sometimes we have too much text which makes it quite plain and boring
  2. We are not very creative as we follow the same scheme of blog posts
  3. Our blog posts limit isn't low however it could be a lot higher
  1. The blogs appearance is quite dull so a change is needed
  2. Some posts are not detailed enough therefore there is minimal marks we can receive 

  1. To make our blog posts more creative and less dull by having more images, GIF's etc. supported by relevant text
  2. To do more blog posts 

Setting Targets:
  1. Don't leave work until last minute as then you have a lot of catching up to do
  2. Put effort and time into all of my blog posts as some are better than others (no consistency)
  3. Do my work to the best of my ability all of the time as there have been times where the blog could be a lot better if there was more effort involved

PRODUCTION- Schedule for retakes and filming/ editing

Filming and editing. 

We will be filming and editing again for retakes and shots that we still need. 

Thursday Media lesson- from 9;00 to 12;00 adnans house (Faiz and Gunes, adnan, sureyya  filming)

monday media lesson - 12;00 to 14;00 gunes house ( Gunes, Faiz filming)

Thursday Media lesson- from 9;00 to 12;00 adnan house (adnan, Faiz and Gunes filming)

monday media lesson - 12;00 to 14;00 gunes house ( Gunes, Faiz filming)

PRODUCTION- Analysing strengths and weaknesses in the blog

Analysing strengths and weaknesses in the blog 

  1.  layout of each post
  2.  screenshots/gifs related to the text
  3.  analysing research- paragraphs mainly 

  1.  Not balancing the amount of work I do in each post- spending more time with certain posts
  2.  Not enough images with research
  3.  Some information may not be needed as there is too much text

  1.  the blog appearance- creativity needed
  2.  some posts are not detailed enough

  1.  posts should be more creative 
  2.  more blog posts

Setting Targets:
  1.  Don't leave work last minute
  2.  Put effort and time into my blog posts
  3.  Do my work to the best of my ability

PRODUCTION- Evidence audit

Evidence Audit

Research into similar Products and audience
    Image result for kyle cooper
  1. What makes a good title sequence according to Kyle Cooper- typography etc.
  2. How a film opening can attract an audience
  3. Analysing film title sequences 
  4. Order of title sequences 
  5. Categorizing film openings 
  6. Target audiences-gender,age,class etc. 
  7. BFI statistic yearbook
  8. Analysing title sequences- Macro, Micro
  9. Genre conventions
  10. Why is sound so important in a film
  11. Institution-idents, distribution companies research
  12. purpose of a title sequence

Organised use of actors, locations, props and costume
  1. Half term planing homework- props, locations and costumes
  2. Initial ideas-what we first came up with
  3. Final ideas- amount of actors/storyline idea 
  4. Final mise-en-scene ideas- fixed location 

Work on shot-lists, layout, drafting, scripting or storyboarding
    Image result for legally blonde

  1. inspired film openings-legally blonde, 10 things i hate about you 
  2. Storyboard of short order
  3. Scripting for prelim
  4. Storyboard for prelim
  5. Practical remake activity (collateral)
  6. Sound ideas

Presentation of Ideas
  1. Name label on each blog post so people know who done what post- other group members tagged.
  2. There's a title on top of each post to make things easier and so that people know what to expect from that certain post.
  3. Used relatable videos and pictures which matches with the work and the blog post.

PRODUCTION - Rought cut evaluation

Rough Cut Evaluation

Our rough cut was not the greatest piece in the world however it did have elements of it that worked such as the story which could be understood. The girls scene was shot well in a good lighting and had good angles which worked. At the beginning we had many cross cuts which made the opening work well. However this was interrupted as we did not have enough time to shoot all of our shots due to complications with filming times, travelling to film and not bringing equipment back on time resulting in filming only during school hours.

The shots from the boy were all dark and needed retaking. This was because they were taken during the evening so we were not getting any natural daylight which we were reliant on as we did not bring any other lighting equipment. Therefore we know next time to film during the day or bring extra lighting when needed.

Saturday 2 January 2016

PRODUCTION - Analysing strengths and weaknesses in your blog

Analysing strengths and weaknesses in the blog 

- Loads of research with many visuals (pictures and videos)
- Gifs and screenshots in most posts
- Loads of research with a lot of analysis

- Not balancing the amount of work I do in each post
- Not enough research 
- Some information may not be needed

- Not enough communication with the rest of the group so the blog looks a bit messy
- Some posts have been rushed as I haven't managed my time very well

- Could use more presentational ideas as some of my posts look a bit boring
- Using pictures, gifs and videos in my posts so I can make my work look presentable and get the best mark possible

Setting Targets:
- Don't leave work last minute
- Put effort and time into my blog posts
- Do my work to the best of my ability