Saturday 2 January 2016

PRODUCTION - Evidence Audit

Evidence Audit

Research into similar products and audience:
- What makes a good title sequence - Kyle Cooper
- Purpose of title sequence and film openings
- Analysing title sequences
- Order of title sequence 
- Target Audiences
- BFI Statistics
- Analysing title sequences - micro, macro, etc. 
- Conventions of genre/s
- Importance of sound
- Ident, institution and distribution company research

Organised use of actors, locations, props and costume:
- Half term planning homework
- Our first idea
- Final idea - storyline and actors
- Final mis-en-scene ideas - knowing the location/s

Work on shot-lists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding:
- Inspiration and ideas from other romcoms - Legally Blonde, 500 Days of Summer.  We redone their shots and used their title credit orders.  
-  Shot order on storyboard
- Scripting and storyboard for prelim
- Practical remake - Collateral 
- Sound ideas

Presentation of ideas:
- Peoples name on the post so we know who done what blog post
- Main title so people know what we are talking about
- Visuals - videos and pictures which relate to a certain blog post so the reader can get a visual idea instead of reading.  

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