Sunday 3 January 2016

PRODUCTION - Analysis of blog

Analysis of blog

Analysing strengths and weaknesses in the blog 

  1. Good visuals that are relevant and back up our text
  2. Good and important information from text 
  3. Work load was spread out evenly in our group so no one had too many tasks to complete (it    was fair).

  1. Sometimes we have too much text which makes it quite plain and boring
  2. We are not very creative as we follow the same scheme of blog posts
  3. Our blog posts limit isn't low however it could be a lot higher
  1. The blogs appearance is quite dull so a change is needed
  2. Some posts are not detailed enough therefore there is minimal marks we can receive 

  1. To make our blog posts more creative and less dull by having more images, GIF's etc. supported by relevant text
  2. To do more blog posts 

Setting Targets:
  1. Don't leave work until last minute as then you have a lot of catching up to do
  2. Put effort and time into all of my blog posts as some are better than others (no consistency)
  3. Do my work to the best of my ability all of the time as there have been times where the blog could be a lot better if there was more effort involved

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