Friday 1 January 2016

PRODUCTION- Rough Cut Evaluation

                                                               Rough Cut Evaluation

Personally, I think that the rough cut for our film went slightly better than we thought considering what we expected would happen due to our troubles filming. We couldn't film on certain days because of various of reasons therefore we were a bit short on shots for our film but we had enough to do the editing. The editing was the bit that really stood out because we used a wide range of skills to make it look efficient and added some of our own techniques to make it look really professional. It would of been better if we had all our shots in place for the editing because then we can look for the strengths and weaknesses in our film and improve it quite a lot when it came to our final piece.

As mentioned above, we were slightly disappointed with our filming because we didn't manage to film all the shots but in the shots that we did film, we used all the techniques and skills that were required and used a lot of varied shots to make our shots look appealing and for it to stand out. We had a clear idea of the sequence of the shots as we planned it beforehand and it was just a matter of putting those shots into action. We knew how to set up the equipment and how to use them so we didn't really have much trouble in that concept. We did face a slight problem whilst doing our filming and that was that we didn't have much lighting as it was winter and it turned dark really early. We based our film on a vibrant and happy scenery and one of our main resources was to have bright lighting so it bonded well with our theme. However, I think that we did a good job in our rough cut and we have learnt a lot of skills and techniques that we will take into our final piece of work.
Below are a few clips of our film in the rough cut.

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