Sunday 3 January 2016

PRODUCTION- Analysing strengths and weaknesses in the blog

Analysing strengths and weaknesses in the blog 

  1.  layout of each post
  2.  screenshots/gifs related to the text
  3.  analysing research- paragraphs mainly 

  1.  Not balancing the amount of work I do in each post- spending more time with certain posts
  2.  Not enough images with research
  3.  Some information may not be needed as there is too much text

  1.  the blog appearance- creativity needed
  2.  some posts are not detailed enough

  1.  posts should be more creative 
  2.  more blog posts

Setting Targets:
  1.  Don't leave work last minute
  2.  Put effort and time into my blog posts
  3.  Do my work to the best of my ability

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