Saturday 2 January 2016

PRODUCTION- Analysing strengths and weaknesses and setting targets

  • Lots of research into real life title sequences with lots of visual examples.
  • Use of presentational devices such as gifs or screenshots in every post.
  • Use of different layout and font for the text, making it stand out and more eye catching.
  • Detailed research into similar products and deep analysing.

  • Not managing my time and organisation for some posts.
  • Not balancing out the amount of work I do in each post. I may sometimes do too much on one post and not as much in others.
  • Might type too much and give excessive information when it isn't needed.

  • Lack of collaboration with the rest of the group sometimes resulted in untidy group post.
  • Left some post to the last minute meaning it was rushed and not as good as it should of been.

  • I can use more creative way of structuring my blog posts by using even more presentational devices.
  • I can put personal targets for myself each week, for example going back into 3-5 previous posts each weak and editing them if they need to be developed. 
  • Learnt new ways of importing pictures, videos etc in order to make my work stand out and get the best possible mark.

Setting Targets
  1. Complete work as soon as possible and not leave it to the last minute.
  2. Have a clear idea of what I am going to do before I start each blog post.
  3. Make my work stand out and do it to the best of my ability.

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