Monday 4 January 2016

PRODUCTION - Feedback On Rough Cut

Rough Cut Feedback


- Good range of shots so it makes it more interesting and efficient
- Great close ups to show important detail and add good effect
- You was able to able to understand the storyline well even though there wasn't any sound and the sequence of shots were clear and portrayed well.
- Good match cut shots to show the contrast between the boy and the girl.
- Liked the mise-en-scene from the boys perspective as it showed a clear understanding of his character and personality.


- Jerky camera movement - a tripod needs to be used so it looks professional and steady.
- Girls mis-en-scene needs to be more clear as it doesn't show her character very well and we don't get a sense of the type of person she is and what she likes.
- Create a sound scape, don't leave sound scape and titles unplanned.
- Re shoot dark scenes because lighting in all shots are different. It was supposed to be a bright and energetic film with clear lighting but it is quite dark and doesn't match with our planning and genre of the film.

Things to improve:

  1. Add more lighting.
  2. More steady on the Camera as it was shaky.
  3. Better mis-en-scene of the girl and show her character more.

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