Saturday 3 October 2015

INTRODUCTION - Prelim Evaluation

The skills I am particularly good at are filming the scenes as that is what I feel most confident in, but my group agreed on me to act.  I wasn't really confident in acting at the start but after we finished filming all the scenes, I felt a bit more confident in acting because I over came my fear.

At the beginning we obviously planned the short film by doing a storyboard.  In the storyboard we included panning, tracking, 180 degree rule and all the shots that felt suitable for our idea.  We had so many ideas for the film and whenever we thought of something better, the idea kept changing but then we finally agreed on what idea we were going to use.

When we started filming, we didn't fully stick to the storyboard but we still used it for help when we got stuck.  We started to experiment with different types of shots and trying out the 180 degree rule along with panning.

When it came to editing we put all the good scenes together and cut out things we didn't want to be in the short film.  When a scene we filmed seemed too long, we cut it shorter.  Editing was easy to understand as we all helped each other.

My favourite part of the film was the bit where the camera was behind me and it was recording me picking up the badminton racket and then it skipped to behind the other persons shoulder which showed me giving the badminton racket.  I liked this because when it was edited, it looked really smooth and it shows that the match on cut action worked perfectly when it was all edited together.

The changes I would make to the film is that we could focus on more detail e.g. when someone was opening the door, we could of zoomed into the hand and then zoomed back out to a long shot of the rest of the door being opened.  We could have also used panning when someone was walking into the room by recording their feet.

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