Wednesday 14 October 2015

RESEARCH- conventions of Romance film openings

Summary of Romance conventions 

rachel mcadams animated GIF

The micro conventions of romance: 

Camera works: 
Mostly medium shot or close ups to show characters facial expressions and feelings. Close ups usually used in dialogue ( match cuts) with clear focus on characters face. Many close ups in romance because of the kissing scenes and the bond between the actors are shown clearly. The shot above mostly shows medium shots because of the setting - where the actors are. Which relates to the shots been used in the film. 

The titles interrogated with the title sequence could hint the genre of the movie. This could simply be the titles being the colour red or pink (bright, sexy colours). 

The setting of the movie depends on the storyline of the movie as the setting will match what the movie is about. Most romance movies starts off with one actor then meeting another and explaining how they met and the adventures in between.  

Sounds:The music is usually exciting, happy or slow to create an affect for the audience of what genre the movie is.  The song to either be slow and romantic, deliberately indicating that there will be romance or up beat song which creates more of an fun environment.  

romeo and juliet animated GIF

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