Friday 9 October 2015

RESEARCH - Why is sound important?

Importance of Sound

Sound is important in films because it helps the audience know what genre the film is and it helps the audience get a feel of the movie and what is going to come.

A movie without sound can make you bored even if the storyline looks good.  This is because the audience don't have any music to help them understand the movie.  On the other hand, a movie with sound gets you excited and makes you want to keep watching as the audience wants to know what happens next.  Most of the time, special effects are added to exaggerate certain things e.g. a punch in the face during a fight.  

Sound makes a huge difference to a movie because it helps establish tone, atmosphere and gives clues to the audience about the plot, characters or to identify genre.  It also creates realism for the audience and to heighten their experience of the film.

George Lukas, the director of Star Wars, says that sound should be 50% of the movie while the other half is camera work.  Without sound, you only have half the product of film and don't get the full experience and feel of the movie like you should.    

There is now technology for sound as there have been advances in sound and sound design ensure the films sound is a 3 dimensional experience which makes the film more enjoyable to hear as well as to watch.  

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