Sunday 4 October 2015

RESEARCH - What makes a good title sequence (Kyle Cooper)

What makes a good title sequence?


Kyle Cooper is one of the most important design innovations of the 1990's. He single handedly revitalised the main title sequence as an art form. 

Cooper believes that a good title sequence will set an expectation of what is to come. So things like the theme and tone of the film is set. Another thing a good title sequence should do is make you forget about everything you know and focus entirely on the film. It also should get you excited about the rest of the movie, keeping the thrill alive yet to a minimum so it doesn't reveal too much.

Cooper also made the title sequence for the film "Se7en". The effectiveness of the use of font in that particular title sequence is that the title credits are seen to be handwritten. This is effective as the serial killer himself kept a journal so you are immediately thrown into the world of a serial killer.

Kyle Cooper was very interested in the opening title sequences of 'Deadzone' and ' To Kill A Mockingbird'.

Deadzone had very simple yet very effective typography. It was also accompanied by mysterious music which brought the whole thing together to create a dark theme.

To Kill A Mockingbird was effective because it captured the main characters obsession, which was her treasure box. It was also beautifully photographed in the way it captured the marbles round effect on a square, flat surface/background. 
The typing was integrated which also had an effect on Cooper.

Cooper believes titles are important to a film because they tell a back story so there no need to shoot extra scenes. You can also know extra parts of the story/plot by the title sequence. This is seen in 'Dawn Of The Dead' where it shows the whole world is going in carnage due to a zombie invasion. 

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