Wednesday 7 October 2015

RESEARCH- What is genre?

Genre means 'type' or 'category'. Genres are used as a way to categorise different products that share similar features or characteristics.
Genres are particularly important in the media and film industries because they:
- Help quickly establish differences between different media forms
- Help to establish certain codes and conventions that film makers can follow in order to make the product look in a certain way, achieve a certain effect & attract a specific audience
- Help to establish certain expectations and familiarity in audiences
- Help audiences to develop certain personal tastes around genre and consumption( what they do and don't like)

There are different types of genres:
1. Sub-Genre: A subcategory within a particular genre
2. Hybrid Genre: A genre in fiction that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres. They can be divided into two categories: Technical and Symbolic
3. Codes and Conventions: Systems of sign, which create meaning
4. Genre Tropes: A common or oversized theme.

It is quite clear that this is a comedy film because of it's bright setting and the gestures of the characters which adds a positive and humorous type of vibe to it. It is comedy film for adults as the characters are grown ups and it has cars and is based in a city which portrays my point. The camera shot of this is mid shot because they wanted to get the main characters along with the background to show that this film falls into the comedy category. Referring back to the characters. most of the people that act in comedy films are quite lively and accident prone and that is evident in this scenery.

dance animated GIF

Horror/ Thriller:
In most horror/ thriller films, there is always mainly a dark and gloomy background to add effect and and add tension to the audiences heads. In this scene. You can tell that is a horror film in the way he breaks the door and has blood pouring from the side of his head. He is also looking to kill something with the thing that he is holding in his hand and it looks scary which is the whole point in horror films. The shot types vary in this scene as it starts of with a mid shot of when he breaks in then it has close up shots of the things that he is holding in his hand and his face with blood pouring out of his head. This add effect and makes it more interesting for the audience.
film animated GIF

You can tell that this is a romantic film because it has two people who are in love and it shows the close relationship they have with each other by laughing and having fun. It has young characters which suggest that this is a film to do with their journey together. The camera shots in this scene is close up as it shows the face of the two characters having fun and laughing. It was a old film so it doesn't have a bright background as most romatic films would have nowadays. It creates a happy and positive feeling and that is what most romantic films are supposed to do.
trevor noah animated GIF

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