Saturday 24 October 2015

PLANNING - Individual idea

Individual ideas


The genre our group decided on was rom-com. This was because we had an achievable goal/idea which is realistic in terms of it can be done quite easily. It is not usually done by students so we thought we could give it a try at being different. Also I enjoy romantic comedies so I knew it would be a genre a I was knowledgable about (as well as have fun with).


The storyline of our opening is quite simple, it is just a teen girl and boy getting ready for a date. They will be very stereotypical for example the girl will have a pink room, pink accessories etc. The boy will be lazy etc. The girl will wake up early to get ready, happy and smiling. On the other hand the boy will wake up late and having to rush getting ready which results in complications with his breakfast and putting on his clothes. After the ultimate struggle of getting ready, the two meet which is the end of our opening. 

Character types:

The girl is a stereotypically a girly girl - meaning she likes pink, wears make up, cares too much about her clothes etc. She will be a college student (same age as the boy) who goes to the same college as the boy. She is quite glamorous with her style. Her room is seen to be girly and clean

The boy is lazy and dopey. This is seen as he has a messy room and junk food on his floor etc. He is not used to going on dates and this is seen while he rushes to get ready.

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