Monday 12 October 2015

RESEARCH - Summary of Romance Conventions

Summary of Romance conventions

Micro Conventions:
Camera Work:  
There is a lot of close up shots in romance movies because it feels more intimate and the audience can feel the romance e.g. two people kissing.  There is usually a two shot to show the two characters that are in a relationship.  

There could be colours like pink, red and white or love hearts to show the audience that it is a romance movie.  The colours are usually bright to show happiness, dark colours are barely used because it indicates that something bad will happen.

The setting of the movie would usually be in a city to show wealth and this would be presented by the way they dress/look.  There are other settings like a restaurant, wedding.  There are many props used such as rings, flowers, chocolates, valentines cards etc. 

The music is usually slow and happy to create a theme for the audience of what genre the movie is.  The song to either be slow and romantic or up beat depending on how the directer approaches that. 

Macro Conventions:  
Key Plot:  
There is usually a boy and a girl who meet or they could already be in a relationship.

Title conventions:
The titles are usually integrated with moving images.  The font and size of the writing will be clear and it will be pink, red or white to indicate love.  It will have the distribution and production company followed by the casts names.  It would then go onto announcing the film title, other cast members and other crew who work behind the scenes such as costume designers and music.  

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