Saturday 3 October 2015

RESEARCH- What makes a good title sequence according to Kyle Cooper?

Kyle cooper is accredited as the man who single handedly revertilised the main title sequence as an art form.

According to Kyle Cooper, the following things make a good title sequence:
1. It dub tales seamlessly into the film
2, It sets an expectation
3. It gets you excited

What is important about the font used in the film Seven? 

1. Trying to make the typography link to the story it is trying to tell.
2. Make the type do what it says. It is a series killer film so the font is dark and bold and the images are bumpy. 


What does Kyle Cooper like about Dead zone and To kill a mocking bird?

Dead Zone                                                                                 To kill a Mocking Bird
1. Simple typography and the music was great                       1.Beautifully photographed
2.It was played mysteriously overtime                                    2. The type is integrated
                                                                                                 3. Introduction of main characters
                                                                                                 4. The background

What is a "story based" main title sequence?

1. Specific back story
2. A metaphor

What problems might a studio face after an audience test screening?
1. They don't have enough budget to do another shot/scene.
2. The test audience don't understand a particular aspect.

Why do two and a half minutes of a the title sequence become important for the studio?
1. Help put an information which got left out of the movie
2. can become a prologue.
3. Can become another scene of the movie

What do the title sequences to Dawn of the Dead try to do?
1. Sets up the story story line
2. Ends up with something that can be carried on-advances.

Why does Cooper think titles are so important to a film?
Kyle Cooper believes titles are important in a film as it contributes towards the prologue. Also the convergence with graphic designers which can tell a story - moving the creation of content.

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