Friday 16 October 2015

RESEARCH - Evaluation of remake

Evaluation of remake

Adnan Ahmed:

I think our attempt of a remake of the opening of the film 'Collateral' was not very successful however it was a good first attempt. This is because the shots were somewhat replicated and they did not run as smoothly as they do in the actual film. For example when shooting me walking it was meant to be through a crowd, which was not doable as we were not allowed to leave college grounds. The shot we got in the end was just of me walking without a crowd, which was not a good replicate of the film.

A thing that did work well is that I tried my best to create the correct mis-en-scene for the shots so I wore a costume (a grey suit with sunglasses). This worked well as you could tell that effort was put in to make me appear as 'Tom Cruise' in the opening of 'Collateral'. Without the suit it would look even more amateurish meaning it would not be quite a poor attempt at a remake. 

Faiz Mohammed:

I think that our remake of the film 'Collateral' was not very successful but it wasn't too bad considering that it was our first attempt. We had a few problems at first trying to set up the camera itself and adjust to the settings. Another problem we faced was the lack of crowd and people that we expected to have in the background. In the film, there is a lot of people who are walking and it looks busy but as we were doing our one during lesson and wasn't aloud to leave the school grounds, it was difficult to get a big crowd. Once we started filming, We didn't get the right flow of shots which were shown in the film. We had to retake a lot of shots and this delayed the process of making our film better.

One thing that did go well was that we edited the clips so that it goes in sequence and we added title sequence and lots of other effects to make our film appealing. 

Gunes Mahgur:

From my perspective, i think the remake of the opening of the film 'Collateral' it was obvious that it was our first attempt. This is mainly because of the setting. It was placed on school grounds therefore we couldn't find the perfect setting that we wanted to. As it was during lesson time within school there wasn't much of a crowd. This affected many shots throughout the remake and meant that we had to film certain shots and scenes again. Another point is that we didn't use the rule of third therefore the shots within the remake didn't look the same as the actual film. 

One thing that we successfully achieved was the editing. With the actual film opening it started off with the actor walking in slow motion. We accomplished this in the editing as we added slow motions to the scenes that were meant to be. 

Sureyya Vudali:

I think our remake to 'Collateral' was a little disappointing, but it was a good first attempt.  We tried to do the shots as they appeared in the film, but it didn't work because we didn't stick to the rule of thirds.  The main thing that didn't work was not having a crowd like it did in the movie, this wasn't possible for us as we were not allowed to leave college grounds.

The one thing that did work well was the editing because when all the scenes were out together, it all looked really good especially with the animations and credits which shows the genre of the film.

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