Sunday 4 October 2015

RESEARCH- Watching Documentary

1) What does Thomas Sutcliffe mean when he says the following? "Films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment. while there are many types of seduction, the temptation to go for instant arousal is almost irresistible"
What he means by this is that the audience need to be entertained in the first few minutes of the film to have the urge to carry on watching it. If its boring and not appealing at the beginning then people wont be interested and  it is not worth watching.

2)According to director Jean Jacques Beinix, what are the risks of 'instant arousal'?

The scene did you did has to be bigger and better than the previous scene. If you start of with a strong scene then the following scene has to be even bigger.

3) Explain why " A good beginning must make the audience feel that it doesn't know nearly enough yet, and at the same time make sure that it doesn't look too little"
The beginning of a film should tell the audience the genre of the film they're about to watch along with the age rating. This allows them to have an insight of what to expect on the film they're watching but not too much information because if they know a lot then are most likely to stop watching the film. 

4)What does critic Stanley Kauffmann describe as the classic opening? Why does this work?
 This is when you refer back to the setting of the film and also the occupation of the hero, and the organisation of the world. This is very effective and gels in nicely because everything is in order. e.g -   The opening of a film starting with an establishing shot for example The city of London being viewed from the east, then you may have a extreme close up shot of one of the main tourist attraction in london then you can have a shot where you go inside the building before introducing the main character of the film.

5) Why is Kyle Cooper's title sequence to the film Seven so effective? 
Kyle coopers title sequence to the film Seven is so effective because it tells the story and gives us an insight on future events. Also,  it introduced the audience to the obsessive behaviour within the film and gave us an image of what to expect from the rest of the film. 

6) What did Orson Welles want to achieve with his opening to the film A Touch of Evil? What did Universal Studios do to it? Why?
Orson Welles wanted to display a title sequence which contained no credits and played without title music. He wanted to attract and draw the audience into his story. Universal Studios put a score with the credits, causing the effect to be loss, they did this because they were very cautious, they believed films needed title music and credits for the audience to understand the film.

7) What is meant by "a favourite trick of Film Noir"? What is the trick?
When the beginning of the film is the end, the trick is that people feel like a destination than a departure point, looking ahead to what is to come. It may not be certain for the first time, but it will be when you see the film again.

8) How does the opening to the film The Shining create suspense?
The opening of the film The Shining creates suspense because the camera angle of which the camera is moving is like a helicopter following a car which creates more tension as it looks like the helicopter is hunting down the car and following its ever step. It gives us a birds eye view of what is going on.

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