Sunday 4 October 2015

RESEARCH - 4 different types of film openings

4 different types of film openings

Titles on a blank screen:

This is usually on a black/blank background and uses a white, clear font. It contains institutional information. Examples of this include the famous 'Psycho' and 'Pulp Fiction'.

Titles on still images:

These titles are more elaborate as they have a visual behind (an image etc.) but stays clear as it is contrasting with the font etc. It has music which means it combines different media together. An example of this the film 'Wimbledon'.

Titles over moving images:

These titles have a moving image behind the credits. It has sound/music but usually no dialogue, it may contain a narrator though. It is a metaphor for the story and introduces the theme/tone or storyline. An example of this is 'Rear Window'.

Titles using animation or motion:

These titles use animated text. The title is also part of the moving image. It uses a lot of special visual effects using digital technology and stylised editing. Examples of this is 'Casino Royale' and 'Catch Me If You Can'.

My favourite type of sequence:

These are titles that use animation or motion. This is because they're enjoyable to watch and cleverly edited. All the title credits have been made from scratch and are unique. They use a range of colours and music which looks cool and attracts my eye. For example Skyfall uses a lot of special effects to make their opening look cool. The music accompanies the opening well which overall creates a spectacular piece of film that is engaging for both the eyes and ears. 

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