Sunday 25 October 2015

PLANNING - Individual ideas for title sequence


                                     heath ledger animated GIF

Genre- our group chose romance as the genre. This is because we wanted to generate and create something that hasn't been done before in the previous years. The genre romance is seen as a hard genre to do but creating something that hasn't been seen before with the  ideas are not packed together and are more simplistic to not confuse the audience would be a much better approach from our group.  

film animated GIF

Storyline- Most romance movies start off with one actor meeting another. We wanted to create a similar effect to make sure that the genre is given away immediately. The title sequence starts off with both actors getting ready. I thought it would be much better if we show both girl and boy separately and then both together in a slip screen while getting ready. In the sequence we will show the difference between the girls and the boys feelings towards the date at the end through key shots such as close ups for facial expressions and the boy being lazy and clumsy towards getting ready.

movie animated GIF

Character types- To add comedy we wanted to make a contrast between characters therefore we created the girl being a happy bubbly typical girly girl seen in movies and the by being bulky and clumsy, the total opposite than the girl.  

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