Monday 5 October 2015

RESEARCH - What is genre?

What is Genre?

Genres are important to the media industry because it helps the audience develop personal tastes around genre and what they like/don't like.  Also, it helps to establish certain codes and conventions that film makers can follow in order to make the product look a certain way - certain effect to attract a specific audience.

  • Genre - Way of categorising a particular type of film.
  • Sub-Genre - Subdivision of genre - literature, music, film - eg RomCom.
  • Hybrid genre - Blends themes and elements from two or more genres.
  • Codes and Conventions - Codes are signs that create meaning - technical and symbolic.  Technical codes is the equipment used to tell the story in a media text eg camera work.  Symbolic codes are things such as clothing and props.  
  • Genre Tropes - Common/overused themes or devices.
You can tell it is a comedy movie because its conventions is in bright places, towns or cities, but it depends on the type of comedy e.g. if it is a teen comedy, it is set in a school.  The technical code is that the camera is very natural and goes along with the characters, medium shots to capture expressions and editing sounds to add humour.  Characters that are usually in comedies are silly and very accident prone.  


Family movies conventions are usually magical, happy, have a 'happily ever after', have a  boy and a girl that is in love ect.  I love family movies because they bring you back to your childhood, especially if they are the old animated movies.  Most animated movies also have an aspect of comedy in it, this is called a hybrid genre.

I prefer action movies because they get your adrenaline running which makes you want to watch the movie up until the end.  In this shot from Fast and Furious 7, it shows a man jumping off a bus to try get back onto the cliff.  The conventions of an action movie is that there is usually a cat and mouse chase, big machinery, mission that needs to be completed, death of loved ones etc.

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