Wednesday 14 October 2015

RESEARCH- Analysing 3 title sequences (macro,micro,etc)

Analysing 3 Romance Films.

Legally Blonde

Micro Elements:
During the opening scene, there are a lot of close up and mid shots of the main objects such as her hairbrush and perfume etc and of peoples faces.  The camera is following a letter with the name 'Elle' on it which informs us about the main characters name. The shots last quite long and the title credits are pink and flashy which gives an indication of what genre the movie is - romance and a chick flick.  The credits are in front of moving images from the movie.  The characters shown in the movie have summer clothes on which suggest that it may be the holidays or nearing the end of the school term. Its set on a school campus as there are loads of teenagers, cheerleaders.  The music in the background is quite bubbly and lively which gets the audience interested in the film.

Macro Elements:
The key plot that is introduced in the title sequence is that the girl is getting ready, she's a typical barbie girl while a letter is being passed around with her name on it.  The movie starts from when she's at the school campus in a house full of girls.  The main character is introduced by having Elle Woods at the start of the title sequence which shows her in her bedroom getting ready - shows her personality by her clothes and how she acts.  The social group/s that are presented is bunch of teenage girls. Also there are boys in this title sequence who are looking at her throughout the scene and this indicates to us that this may be a romantic film and it gives us an insight of what to expect.
film animated GIF

Romeo and Juliet

Micro Elements:
In the title sequence of Romeo and Juliet there is a lot of close up shots of the two people in love and it shows the affection that they have for each other. There is also a lot of mid shots to show the background and the setting and this gives us an indication of their wealth and status depending on what environment they live in. The film credits appear along the moving images and it shows us a clip of all the main characters in the film along with their names. The music starts of slow then gets livelier as the title sequence goes on. 

Macro Elements:
The storyline of the film is that two people from two very divided places fall in love and the only thing that is stopping them is the decision and ego of there parents. They try to secretly meet each other but there parents don't approve. The two people that fall in love are very young about in there late teens. There friends are also in the similar age group and they help them out if they need it. There parents are quite old but very posh and rich and they two sets of families are like rivals. They main characters are Romeo and Juliet and they feature most throughout the scene as animated GIF

500 days of summer

Micro Elements:
In the film '500 days of Summer' there is a lot of Close up shots of  their eyes. There is also a lot of mid and long shots of them playing and it is framed as if one half is one character and the other half is another character. The song that is played in the opening title sequence is quite upbeat and has a happy melody. Because of the editing, the story of this is played out as a old footage so it doesn't have the brightest of colourful but you can still tell that this is a romantic film.

Macro Elements:
The plot in this title sequence is that it has a flashback of the two main characters when they were children and it tells their story of how they grew up. They are lively and energetic which you would expect as a child and as the the name of the film is called 500 days of summer, I think it is trying to refer to the fact that how much fun they had when they were little and there still with each other to this day.
500 days of summer animated GIF

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