Friday 9 October 2015

RESEARCH- what is a genre?

The concept of genre ( type,kind or form) plays a vital role not only in marketing of film and programmes, but vital role also in the marketing and reception of texts. The genre of a film or programme affects, perhaps even determines a great deal about what is in any text, about how it is ordered, and also about the kinds of themes and issues which the text presents. Genre is, therefore, an important concept because it helps us move away from seeing each film or programme as simply a transparent picture of reality: we begin to see, instead, the extent to which media texts conform to, or challenge, the rules or codes of any given genre.
What is a genre?

Furious 7 animated GIF
one of my favourite genres is Action. This is because action movies are exciting and are not predictable and there is epinephrine within the audience. It could be obvious to the audience that the genre is action; sounding- non-diegetic: punches, gun shots or the loud music to set the mood. 

slow dancing animated GIF
My second favourite genre is romance. This is because it is mostly emotional therefore audiences can feel empathic towards the film. It could be obvious to the audience the film being a romantic genre through character bonding at even at the beginning of the film with the choice of music and the score of the film.

my last favourite genre is horror. This is because how interested I get watching horror films, the film becoming more intense excites the audience more and makes audiences wanting more. It is obvious to the audience that the film genre is horror by the gloomy and dark atmosphere it creates with the song choice and lighting. 
film animated GIF

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