Tuesday 13 October 2015

RESEARCH - Conventions of a film opening (romance)


When Harry met Sally

500 Days of Summer

Legally Blonde


The genre signifiers are the type of music. The music in each of the openings were generally quite happy and upbeat which made me (the audience) feel happier inside. Most had little if not no dialogue. Two out of three showed that there was 2 characters who might've had a connection of some sort (relationship wise). The tone set is quite a happy/joyful one. It doesn't straight away start with emotional scenes that make the audience upset etc. This is because a relationship needs to be made with the characters and the audience for it to have an effect.


Because 'Legally Blonde' has a chick flick sort of genre as well as romance, the title credits are in pink which is stereotypically a girly colour. The font is also girly as when the letter 'i' is written, it is dotted with a heart - which again is stereotypically a girly thing to do. The other title credits are a more simple colour and style. The fonts are nothing great however they are quite clear. The order of which the title credits follow is having the distribution and production company first. Then important/well known actors/actresses which is followed by normal actors/actresses. The rest of the crew (music supervisors, costume designer, hair and make up etc.) is then given credit followed lastly by the most important, the director.


There is only soundscape for 'Legally Blonde' as the other two movies are unusually executed. The atmosphere of this movie is a college campus. This means you're most likely to hear chatter, giggling etc. Apart from dialogue the rest of sound from all the films are non-diegetic as they're music. This music sets the mood to be quite happy and joyful. 

Target Audience:

The target audiences from my research is females from the ages 18-25 as they're most likely to watch a romance film.


The similarities of the 3 film openings are that they all set the same mood - happiness. This is done through the simple visuals, colour scheme or music/sound. The cliché of having a man and woman involved from the beginning usually symbolises that there is a relationship between the two. This helps us establish the genre. The pink theme in 'Legally Blonde' helps up to understand it is a chick flick. The inspiration for my film is the typical romance film, a man and woman who are in love. However, 500 Days of Summer is one of my favourite films so I may take some aspects from their opening. I think the conventions we will use are colours (red, pink, white etc.), joyful yet romantic music and incorporating a man and woman into the title credits. This will help the audience to understand clearly what kind of film it is etc.

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