Wednesday 28 October 2015

PLANNING- Individual ideas for title sequence

The genre that we have decided to do in our own title sequence is going to be Romcom. The reason why we have decided to do this is because we feel that it is a realistic goal for us to do well in this film and it is likely to appeal the most to our target audience which is those who are between 16-20. Also not many people have tried to do romcom in the past so we thought we will be the first to do it and we are sure it will go well. We also enjoy watching romcom films that will benefit us a lot because we can add bits that we like to make the work the best as possible.
movie animated GIF

The Storyline of own title sequence will be two people( one boy, one girl) getting ready for their first date. The girl is really lively and is up really early getting ready and brushing her hair while the boy is lazy and is still sleeping. He forgets about the date till very late and is in a rush to get changed. He drops everything on the floor and makes a mess of everything. they finally end up meeting each other and it stops there.

Character types:
As mentioned above, the girl is very lively and is very neat and tidy. she is well organised and takes care of her things. She has a very girlie bedroom with practically the whole room covered in pink and filled with nail varnishes, make up etc. The boy on the other hand is very lazy and forgets everything. He is very messy and doesn't take much care of his belongings. He ends up being late to the date and that didn't please the girl at all.

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